联系电话: 0511-86236335
52160 FSC-漂浮式尾管 51160 FSC-Tail Floating | |
52170 FSC-漂浮式油轮围栏型 52170 FSC-Tanker Rail Floating | |
52180 FSC-FPSO-端部加强型高浮力漂浮管(FPSO首件管,适配ERC)* 52180 FSC-FPSO- End Reinforced High Buoyancy Floating(ie.First off FPSO to support ERC)* | |
52190FSC-端部加强型高浮力漂浮管(连接运输油轮,适配HEV)* 51190FSC-ST End Reinforced High Buoyancy Floating(ie.Shuttle Tanker connection to support HEV)* |
The CDSR double Carcass Floating hosees designed for special end connection applications in highly integrated
surface installations such as FPSO, FSO Tandem offloading configurations.
The Special hoses can be installed at the ends of the floating hosestring. Connect to the FPSO/FSO hang-off EmergencyRelease Coupling (ERC) and the Shuttle Tanker bow loading system Hose End valve (HEV).
The additional buoyancy within the special FPSO end hose will support the ERC on the surface of the sea,if
released in anemergency.The Shuttle Tanker end hose will support the HEV on the surface of the sea, during
hose transfer and/oremergency release.
For performance characteristics and specification,Please refer to " Double Carcass Hose specifications".
CDSR provide a range of high quality, high performance, oil suction and discharge hoses. The CDSR Double
Carcass Floating hosees are designed for highly integrity surface installations such as CALM,SALM offloading in
addition to FPSO,FSO Tandem offloading configurations.
In addition to the standard hose carcass (commonly termed ‘primary’ carcass). CDSR double Carcass hose incorporate and additional second carcass design to contain any product escaping from the primary carcass as a
result of a slow leak or sudden failure. An effective, robust,and reliable. integrated, leak detection, and indication
system isprovided.
CDSR输油软管完全符合GMPHOM 2009要求,并且在符合ISO 9001标准的质量管理体系下设计与制造。
The CDSR hose fully comply with the requirements of the “GMPHOM 2009”,and are designed and manufactured under a quality system in accordance with ISO 9001.
For performance characteristics and specification,Please refer to "Double Carcass Hose specifications"
52110 FDC-端部加强型半浮式(浮标端首件管) 52110 FDC- End Reinforced Half Floating (ie.First of Buoy) | |
52120 FDC-控制浮力型 52120 FDC- Controlled Buoyancy | |
52130 FDC-漂浮式主线型 52130 FDC-Main Line Floating | |
52140 FDC-半浮式主线型 Main Line Half Floating | |
52150 FDC-漂浮式变径型 52150 FDC-Reducing Floating |